For our first Principal’s Cohort Event for 2023/2024, we will feature three of your Tennessee State Principal of the Year Finalists, and you will hear them share with you what I call their ‘passion project’. I call this first principal cohort event the ‘sharing successes’ day. I invited three of our leaders, selected by our state, and allow them full reign to share what makes their work important and useful for their staff, students, and community. There is no better way for you to kick off your professional learning for 2023/2024 than to learn from these three leaders. Literally representing Memphis to Morristown, you will see how leaders from all three grand divisions of our great state lead schools to success in these most challenging times. I also encourage them to share their challenges and struggles with you as we come together to improve the educational experience of the students in all +our communities. Please register to hear and to learn from Don Bartch from Murfreesboro City Schools, Renee Meeks from Shelby County Schools, and Michelle Green from Hamblen County Schools.