***ATTENTION: Event date has changed to include updates from the Special Session on School Safety beginning August 21, 2023***
Join us on September 26, 2023, as our TOSS ALI subscribers come together to review the new requirements, laws, and rule changes for Tennessee educators. As our school and system leaders settle in to the 2023/2024 school year, TOSS ALI felt the time was right to share information on new and not so new school safety guidelines and procedures, the importance of implementing new laws and procedures with fidelity, and the challenges we all face in keeping track of compliance.
The event is being scheduled after our legislators come together for a Special Session on School Safety that begins on August 21. This will give our attendees the opportunity to discuss and consider school safety issues, the new legislation that went into effect on July 1, 2023, and after each of you have had time to review your own compliance efforts and now have questions that can be clarified by a group of like-minded leaders working with our TOSS Government Relations Team.
This team will host an in-depth discussion of the most recent legislative session, the special session on school safety, and other compliance areas that you all feel need additional clarification. The event will feature several presentations that relate directly to school safety, one of TOSS ALI’s top five strands of work for 2023/2024. The program will feature a rotation of speakers who will guide our discussions on the school safety topics. Presentations will also feature a discussion of materials, topics, and new legislation and their impact on the schools and school systems in our state.
As always, you will not just be ‘given information’ but you will see how this information can and will impact your work, so you MUST have access to a working camera and microphone to fully participate in this program of study.