Partnership Program

 Platinum Partnership: $25,000

  • Provide a letter of introduction to any superintendent upon request

  • Introduce the Partner at the Legislative and Learning Conference and the Superintendent Fall Conference

  • Plan Partner interaction time at New Superintendent Academy, SSC Fall Conference, Legislative Conference, and Receptions

  • Provide the Partner with premium booth and banner/branding locations at the Legislative Conference and Fall Conference

  • Assist Partner with dinner invitations

  • Display Partner’s logo on all TOSS electronic communications

  • Display Partner’s logo on the TOSS webpage with a link to Partner’s home page

  • Spotlight Partner at events:

    • Co-brand invitations with TOSS and Partner

    • Manage professional development credits if applicable

    • Secure meeting space

    • Manage registration

  • Provide hard copy directory with superintendent contact information to Partner

  • Provide Partner with electronic superintendent contact list upon request