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District Leaders Cohort: Leading from the Middle 2023 - April 13th, 2023 (8:30AM-12:30PM CST)

When we think about being a supervisor in a public school system, we think of instructional leadership, data analysis, and engaged mentoring and coaching.  We also think about the hundreds of tasks a good mid-level manager must complete on any given day.  We all know that these roles often require far more than a 40-hour week! For this reason, the final Supervisor’s cohort event for the 2022/2023 TOSS ALI event year features Dr. Penny Thompson, Dr. Greg Wallace, and Dr. Rebecca Farley sharing their work in the role. I asked them to share their successes, their passion projects, and their struggles with our supervisors on April 13, 2023. Do not miss the opportunity to hear from leaders who have won awards, been honored by both our state and their regions, and who readily agreed to come and share with their fellow supervisors. You know that “Leading from the Middle” requires its own set of skills, so join us as we learn from these three exceptionally generous leaders. If you are a supervisor and lead from the middle, no matter your area of expertise, join us for this event.