When leaders think about improving learning in their schools, their number one priority is human capital. They want the very best leaders, the very best teachers, and the very best staff members. To build the team we all want, we must consistently plan and constantly change those plans. In this training, you will hear from Human Resource Supervisors, a Recruitment Specialist, an Attorney, and a Superintendent. They won’t have time on one four-hour training course to discuss all things related to personnel, human resources, and staffing, so this is part one of our new Human Resources Cohort event schedule. For this event, all ALI members are invited to come together to learn from these amazing leaders. In the future, we will host events that are just for HR leadership teams, so that they can grow and learn from each other. Look over this list of presenters carefully and do not miss this opportunity to “grow your own” team! They will share strategies on recruitment, retention, all things Human Resources, and even share some ways you might re-think your current planning processes.
You will learn from Leslie Duke from Franklin Special Schools, Lauren Bush from Murfreesboro City Schools, David Harries from Williamson County Schools, and Russell Dyer and Kelly Kiser from Cleveland City Schools.