This one hour TOSS SLI event is for superintendents and anyone else in your office concerned with staffing: i.e. transportation, food service, finance, human resources, etc. It is brought to you by Staff EZ, a TOSS Platinum Partner and is appropriate for all districts regardless of size.
Among other things, you will learn cost saving, efficient ways to:
Address hard to staff areas, both instructional and support
To employ recent retirees as full time
Retain good teachers thinking of retirement
Recruit new teachers on a cost neutral basis to your budget
Review and understand new and old TCRS rules regarding the employment of retirees
Save your district money while at the same time putting more money in the hands of staff (Sound impossible? Its not.)
Learn how other districts have successfully resolved some long-term staffing issues
We think this could prove to be the most valuable one hour Zoom you’ve been on yet!