The TOSS Superintendent Spotlight for May 2019 is Mr. Bobby Cox who has been the superintendent in Warren County for seven years.
In Mr. Cox’s district, they have been working hard to improve literacy in all grades, and have started to see positive outcomes as a result. They have also developed a state of the art CTE program that provides students with opportunities in mechatronics, robotics, welding, culinary arts, nursing, and various other areas. This will help to meet the needs of the workforce in Warren County.
“I have many favorites in my job, but the one that stands out would be visiting classrooms and interacting with students. This time of year when we are registering new kindergarten students is one of the most enjoyable times. The students are what keeps me motivated day in and day out.”
FUN FACT: Mr. Cox hopes to visit all major league baseball parks in the coming years. He’s also a big Star Wars and Avengers fan!