SUPERINTENDENT SPOTLIGHT: Pat Dillahunty (Huntingdon)

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The Superintendent Spotlight for October 2019 is Ms. Pat Dillahunty who is in her 11th year as Superintendent of the Huntingdon Special School District.

At HSSD, they are constantly working to improve curriculum. It may be as simple as changing schedules or moving staff, or as complicated as completely revamping the Math and ELA curriculum. By the time their kids get to high school, they are looking for ways to help students target their goals of "life after high school," through work-based learning opportunities, summer work, and dual credit classes.

When asked what her favorite part of her job is, Ms. Dillahunty said that it's all about the kids. Having an opportunity to work with kids every day is the reason she began her career roughly 32 years ago at Huntingdon Special School District. Watching students as they grow up in the system and go on to begin their own careers and families is special to her.

“My husband and I, as well as our three sons, are all graduates of Huntingdon Special School District. I now have grandchildren as students in our system. I am truly grateful for the opportunities I've had to begin as a secretary at our Primary School, teach and serve as Principal at our Middle School, and now as Director for the district. I believe that in a small, rural town, the school system is very important to the overall community atmosphere, and I’m so glad to contribute to it.”


Platinum Partner Spotlight: Cambridge Assessment International Education