SUPERINTENDENT SPOTLIGHT: Dr. Janine Wilson (Fayetteville City)

The TOSS Superintendent Spotlight for November is Dr. Janine Wilson.  She has served as the Director of Schools in Fayetteville City for six years. 

Dr. Wilson's district has a very successful engineering program in the high school, which they have implemented at the middle school over the last year.  They have plans to begin implementation on the elementary level next year.  As a part of this program, the aerospace engineering students had the opportunity to visit the US Aerospace Museum in Florida recently! 

When asked what her favorite part of her job is, Dr. Wilson stated, "Without a doubt, I am motivated each time I visit a classroom and watch the teachers and students interact; each time I attend a band concert; each time I attend an athletic event; and certainly each time I assist in handing out diplomas at graduation. I am motivated by the students and their successes." 

Her favorite memory from her superintendency so far is being honored in a video produced by the high school students in her district.  Dr. Wilson said, "I will cherish it forever because sometimes we forget that our students appreciate what we do for them and what a bright future they have.  I am so proud of our system, especially the bond we have with our boys and girls." 


SUPERINTENDENT SPOTLIGHT: Dr. Bruce Borchers (Oak Ridge)


TOSS Lobbyist moves to Waller