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New Leaders Cohort: Creating safe and effective learning environments 2024 - August 29, 2024 (8:30AM-12:30PM CST)

Are you new to your leadership role, new to your school or grade level, or do you just need innovative ideas around building community, engaging all learners, and school safety? Do you need more information on stakeholder involvement? Can creating a PLC, tutoring, and intervention strategic plan improve your student’s performance over time? Do you need help as you build a safety team? Are you doing everything you can to support those under your care? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the event for you.

This event is planned around 10 traits that you will need to use to build a strong leadership team. We will focus on traits that you may have that helped you get the job you are currently doing, and traits that you may need to improve to excel. These traits include communicator, envisioner, culture builder, and contributor.

For this first New Leaders Cohort event for 2024 we will look at leadership and learning from three quite different windows. Our goal will be to improve student performance, create a safe, positive learning environment, and to foster strong CTE and Community ties. We will discuss community, team building, and strategic planning. Then we will hear from speakers who have created strong of PLC’s, intervention programs, goal setting processes, and student data analysis to change school cultures.

We will discuss facility safety, outline ways that you can make your school feel safer and be safer for all of those under your care, and we will guide you through a safe facilities walk-through so you can ‘own’ your leadership role.

Do not miss this event if you are interested in learning from others in your role as they think about building community, helping students move toward college and career readiness, and finding that ‘safe place’ on your campus for you, your staff, and your students. Whether you are new to the role or just want to feel that old spark of enthusiasm, join us on August 29, 2024, as we dive more deeply into our work around student learning, community, and safe/positive school cultures.