Associate Leadership Institute
Empowering English Learners: Practical Applications in ELA and Mathematics 2025 - April 1, 2025 (8:30 AM - 12:30 P.M. CST)
Join us for a dynamic four-hour seminar designed specifically for Tennessee administrators who are dedicated to enhancing the learning experience of English Learners (EL) through innovative technology. This engaging event will feature valuable insights and shared experiences from fellow educators utilizing Imagine Learning Language and Literacy. Expand your knowledge, share your experiences, and empower your students with the resources they need to succeed. Together, we can make a difference in the educational journeys of English Learners in Tennessee!
This event is planned with our partners at Imagine Learning.
Throughout the seminar, participants will have the opportunity to:
Gain firsthand knowledge: Explore how Imagine Learning is effectively supporting EL students in various classroom settings, featuring success stories and practical examples from local educators.
Hands-on workshops: Dive into interactive sessions where attendees can engage with the Imagine Learning platform and discover tools and resources that can be instantly applied in their teaching practices.
Collaborative sharing: Participate in discussions that foster collaboration and idea exchange among educators, allowing for the sharing of strategies and best practices that have proven successful in helping EL students thrive.
Expert insights: Hear from specialists and successful practitioners about the latest trends and methodologies in language acquisition and literacy development for EL students.
School Leaders and Counselors Unite: Supporting Student Mental Health - April 2, 2025 (8:30 AM- 12:30 PM CST)
When school counselors and administrators work collaboratively, the students and the school community reap the benefits. In this session we will explore ways that our teams can best use data to support student growth, learn more about a toolkit of resources that assess, acknowledge, and celebrate the collaboration of principals and school counselors in school communities, and explore a program that helps our students learn what they will need to enter behavioral health fields after graduation.
When we completed educational leadership programs at our selected universities, or school counselor preparation programs, some of us did not dig deeply into the way each of us can best support the use of data as we how create collaborative teams. We want to learn more during this even on how we can each impact the success of ALL students.
Lisa Davies will share how school counselors can help our teams use data and be a part of the conversation in helping create initiatives to address student challenges. Lisa will be joined by Gena Surgener and Amy Baltimore who will share ways we can help students prepare for careers in mental health supports and a TOOLKIT for leaders and counselors.
TOSS ALI members may invite their school counselor to join them during this event if you like, or you may attend alone and watch the recording with your school counselor team later. Join us to learn more about how to establish guidelines, build capacity, and lead with the ‘whole child’ in mind as we support student mental health and join the data conversations that all educators find so important in 2025.
Instructional Supports, Data Analysis, and Student Mastery in Urban Environments April 8,2025 (8:30 AM - 12:30 PM CST)
The event will look at how the school leadership team can promote both academic success and the learning environment by building community. We will focus on the urban school leader’s unique challenges and share how we can use those challenges and their solutions to help our students in our own environments. The event will allow the attendees to think about the principal and assistant principal’s role on creating and maintaining instructional supports, data analysis, and owning your student’s growth to mastery.
Each of our three featured presentations will have about 45-55 minutes to share information about their schools, their school’s learning/leadership teams, and to offer insight into their school and the role that an assistant principal/principal team may fill in any given year.
Leadership in urban schools is important for creating a vision of educational excellence and we all know that leaders in all our Tennessee Public Schools must communicate a vision, build a team, create a positive culture, and manage instructional leadership teams. In the media, we hear that urban schools face challenges such as poverty, race and class issues, and lack of funding. In recent years, the issues we once viewed as ‘urban’ are now front and center in our ‘suburban’ and ‘rural’ learning environments.
This event is planned as a first-step opportunity for all school leadership teams to learn from our urban school leaders, and for urban school leaders to build a state-wide team of support and to have a cohort to turn to when they wish to discuss their unique work.
Creating Systems for Success 2025 - April 10, 2025 8:30AM - 12:30PM CST
On April 10, in an event titled Creating Systems for Success 2025, we will focus on how teams can ensure that all aspects of a school's operation align effectively to support student learning and success. The three highlighted districts will guide our attendees through the work they are doing to find data driven solutions to support all learners.
The day will begin as we highlight one system’s use of data analysis and shared vision, then we will visit with a system that has worked to align teaching and learning practices with teacher and student needs, and the day will end learning from a system that took on cell phone usage to strengthen learning in their classrooms. We will hear from leaders in Marshall County, Haywood County, and Warren County.
This is a shift in presenters from our previous description of the day and the day has changed to a ‘best practice’ event. It is no longer a company sponsored day. I assure you the learning will be just as important.
The Science of Reading in Practice with Dr. Julia B. Lindsey 2025 - April 23, 2025 (8:30 AM - 12:30 PM CST)
As a building leader, we may think that once training takes place HQIM are purchases, and standards and IPG’s are being used, we don’t need to spend as much time on the ‘how’ as we once did. This presenter shares why leaders must continue to revisit both the why and the how they support teachers. Dr. Lindsey shares examples of lessons that lead to real growth over time, from a personal perspective and from a teacher's perspective. Dr. Julia B Lindsey, author of the Science of Reading series book, Reading above the Fray: Reliable, Research-based Routines for Developing Decoding Skills will share with us need to know essentials of how our students learn to read, principals of high-quality foundational skills instruction, and teacher-approved instructional ‘swaps’ to improve practice as soon as tomorrow!
Dr. Lindsey addresses content learning, responsive instructional strategies connected to foundational skills, and the importance of engaging readers from the beginning of their school journey. Although Dr. Lindsey’s book focuses on decoding and phonics instruction, this event will also offer ideas for all leaders and their leadership teams including strategies, techniques, activities, and the book will help leaders have that ‘go to’ resource they need as they support teaching and learning for ELA over time.
Julia B. Lindsey, Ph.D. is a former kindergarten and first grade teacher, a self-proclaimed ‘phonics’ nerd, and she has work with teachers, district personnel, curriculum developers, and others to help translate reading research into practice. Please join us on April 22, 2025 and learn more about Scholastic’s Science of Reading in Practice series, Dr. Lindsey’s book Reading Above the Fray: Reliable, Research-based Routines for Developing Decoding Skills.
Women in Leadership: Creating a Community of Engaged Learners 2025 - April 24, 2025 (8:30 AM - 12:30 PM CST)
In 2025, women may not need other women to help them get a job in educational leadership, but they certainly can use the coaching and mentorship of their colleagues to prepare for and to perform in those jobs. Several years ago, the TOSS ALI agenda added a Women in Educational Leadership event to our schedule each year. From those one-day events, we evolved into a three-part annual series of events that we call the Three Cs of Leadership. I am happy to introduce part three of our three-part series: Women and Leadership Cohort 2024-2025: Coaching, Creating, and Coping. All TOSS ALI members and SLI members are invited to join us as we learn more about coaching others, mentoring for success, and leading to support learning in Tennessee’s schools. This event was requested by our members who use these events to fill the need they have as they move from the ‘TASL Academy” cohort for new leaders to the long, lonely years where training may be powerfully presented, but cohort connections may be desired.
This session will feature leaders from East, Middle, and West Tennessee who will share how they work to create communities of successful learners. We will learn about all the things that leaders need to consider as they build teams, foster strong relationships, and encourage others.
This is part three of our three-part series. I hope you can attend this event and see how our work with sessions on coaching, coping, and creating as a woman or with the women you have on your team can support YOUR work. The goals of this cohort include bonding with lead learners, setting professional goals to grow your skills, and learning about the things you can do in your current role to embrace leadership to support learning. We will never lose sight of the most important part of your job, “Creating an environment that allows ALL students to learn”!
Maintenance and Facilities: Safe Buildings and Grounds 2025 - April 30, 2025 (8:30 AM - 12:30 PM CST)
This event is planned for ALI members. We will be focusing on safe spaces in and around our schools. We want to allow our presenters time to share their work on prioritizing safety standards to strengthen school security, building security enhancements, technology and cybersecurity, and safe playgrounds event spaces. This is ALI’s first maintenance and facility event, and I hope focusing on school safety will bring many of our states leaders to the event to share and learn from our presenters. We will discuss everything from new buildings, new additions, playgrounds, and stadiums to cybersecurity. We have had requests to add this training and talk about labeling water, gas, and electric cut-offs, creating outdoor spaces with adequate lighting, camera placement, building new and safer playgrounds, new rooms, and new buildings. We can’t cover all of those in this first session, but you do not want to miss Mark Howell, Tara Watson, Chris Stites (with TOSS Platinum Partner, NGU), and April Norris help us begin this facilities and maintenance journey on April 30, 2025.
Maintenance and Facilities: Building, Labeling, and Data Protection Part 2 - May 1, 2025 (8:30 AM - 12:30 PM CST)
This event is planned for ALI members. We will be focusing on safe spaces in and around our schools. We want to allow our presenters time to share their work on prioritizing safety standards to strengthen school security, building security enhancements, technology and cybersecurity, and safe playgrounds event spaces. This is ALI’s first maintenance and facility event, and I hope focusing on school safety will bring many of our states leaders to the event to share and learn from our presenters. We will discuss everything from new buildings, new additions, playgrounds and stadiums to cybersecurity. We have had requests add this training and talk about labeling water, gas, and electric cut-offs, creating outdoor spaces with adequate lighting, camera placement, building new and safer playgrounds, new rooms, and new buildings. We can’t cover all of those in these issues in just two events, but we are continuing our work from April 30, 2025 with three new teams to learn from on May 1, 2025. Both of these events are STAND ALONE events and attendees will receive 4 hours of TASL credit for each day they attend and complete.
Education Law With Chuck Cagle 2025 - May 9, 2025 (8:30 AM - 12:30 PM CST)
Each spring, as we navigate the end of the year, issues can arise that require our best legal knowledge. Once again, Chuck Cagle will be with us for an event that helps us all focus on student discipline, personnel management, and amendments to education laws and regulations related to these topics as we prepare both for the end of this school year and the beginning of the 2025/2026 school year. As always, Chuck will lead the attendees through all things ‘law,’ and may at any time add policy, mandates, and legal issues that are both important to you as school and system leaders, but also important to your community and your staff. If you have any questions about how to oversee student discipline, personnel issues, or legal policy, this is the event for you.
Asynchronous Courses - Leaders and The Law: Policy, Procedures, and Implementation of Rules 2025
After several years of planning, facilitating, and evaluating the needs and desires of school leaders annually for professional learning experiences, our programming has seen the number one priority that rises to the top of our needs assessment annually to be the implementation, policy, and procedures that are required under our state rules, regulations, and those that are mandated under state and federal law.
With that need in mind and knowing that one of the requirements for system and school leadership is compliance with those laws and regulations, we are offering an asynchronous training called Leaders and the Law: Policy, Procedures, and Implementation of Rules, 2025. This training will allow our subscribers to view a series of videos, complete a worksheet and questionnaire on each series, and then submit that work by June 3, 2025, for 8 hours of TASL credit.
You will be working with Dr. Wanda Shelton as your facilitator to view, dissect, evaluate, and process the information you review in each video up to and including a live question and answer time for each attendee that wants to clarify and have peer input on their work on June 3, 2025 if needed.
Here is what is required of our subscribers to receive full TASL credit:
-You will register for this event. Once you are registered, you will receive a link to 4-6 videos on this topic.
-You may select to view them all, or you may complete any of them to equal 7-8 hours of recorded time. Each video will be marked so that you may select easily.
-You will then need to finish the evaluation and the short assessment on each viewed recording and submit that to Dr. Shelton no later than June 3, 2025.
-Your work will be verified and the TASL certificate will be issued to you via email by June 10, 2025.
All directions for you to use to open the videos, complete and submit the handouts, quizzes, and evaluations will be sent to you soon after you register, but credit will only be given after the materials are collected by Dr. Shelton and these documents must be completed and submitted to her no later than the end of business on June 3, 2025. The TASL approval date for this event is June 3, 2025, and that is what will be listed on your official certificate of attendance. If you have leaders who need TASL credit near the end of the year, but who do not want to leave their schools to attend, they may register for this event and complete the videos in their own time period, but they must be ALI subscribers to register.
We will be hosting three asynchronous 8-hour events in the first week of June, so a subscriber may earn a total of 24 hours of TASL credit using this process. Beginning with Leaders and the Law, we will then offer Safe Schools on June 4, 2025, and New Leader’s Cohort on June 5, 2025.
Asynchronous Courses - Creating a Safe and Secure School Culture 2025
If you agree that learning from leaders who are doing the work is the best professional learning, then join us as we continue to look at school safety for this asynchronous event. For this topic, we will hear from leaders who have been where you are or who are now striving to do the work you do. All the presenters for this event are focused on creating a safe environment for students and teachers, building a school culture that supports learning and the entire school community, and creating meaningful and user-friendly safety plans. They will talk about all the things that matter to you as you plan for the 2025/2026 school year including school culture, PBIS, MTSS, cultures of supportive learning, safety planning, and team building to create a safe environment even in the most challenging locations. Each of the three presenters were asked to consider these three things and then to create and deliver a one-hour presentation around their own work.
- The importance of creating a culture that feels both safe and academically challenging for teachers, staff, and students.
- What does a safe school ‘look like’ in 2025 and how can leaders support that model.
- What can you as the principal/leader do to ‘turn around’ a less than safe school culture?
- What is PBIS, TMSS, Safe Room Training, and De-escalation Strategies?
- Do you have an event safety plan?
- Do you know how to access your off-campus site in a crisis?
- Do you know your homeland security guidelines?
Here is what is required of our subscribers to receive full TASL credit:
-You will register for this event. Once you are registered, you will receive a link to 3-5 videos on this topic.
-You may select to view them all, or you may complete any of them to equal 7-8 hours of recorded time. Each video will be marked so that you may select easily.
-You will then need to finish the evaluation and the short assessment on each viewed recording and submit that to Dr. Shelton no later than June 4, 2025.
-Your work will be verified and the TASL certificate will be issued to you via email by June 10, 2025.
All directions for you to use to open the videos, complete and submit the handouts, quizzes, and evaluations will be sent to you soon after you register, but credit will only be given after the materials are collected by Dr. Shelton and these documents must be completed and submitted to her no later than the end of business on June 4, 2025. The TASL approval date for this event is June 4, 2025 and that is what will be listed on your official certificate of attendance. If you have leaders who need TASL credit near the end of the year, but who do not want to leave their schools to attend, they may register for this event and complete the videos in their own time period, but they must be ALI subscribers to register.
We will be hosting three asynchronous 8-hour events in the first week of June, so a subscriber may earn a total of 24 hours of TASL credit using this process. Beginning with Leaders and the Law, we will then offer Safe Schools on June 4, 2025, and New Leader’s Cohort on June 5, 2025.
Asynchronous Courses - New Leaders: Scheduling, Planning, Team Building 2025
Are you new to your leadership role, new to your school or grade level, or do you just need innovative ideas around building community, engaging all learners, and school safety? Do you need more information on stakeholder involvement? Can creating a PLC, tutoring, and intervention strategic plan improve your student’s performance over time? Do you need help as you build a safety team? Are you doing everything you can to support those under your care? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the event for you.
This event is planned around 10 traits that you will need to use to build a strong leadership team. We will focus on traits that you may have that helped you get the job you are currently doing, and traits that you may need to improve to excel. These traits include communicator, envisioner, culture builder, and contributor.
We will discuss facility safety, outline ways that you can make your school feel safer and be safer for all of those under your care, and we will guide you through a safe facilities walk-through so you can ‘own’ your leadership role. We are going to look at creating a vision, planning with your team, owning your work, and teaming with other leaders to build capacity.
Here is what is required of our subscribers to receive full TASL credit:
-You will register for this event. Once you are registered, you will receive a link to 3-6 videos on this topic.
-You may select to view them all, or you may complete any of them to equal 7-8 hours of recorded time. Each video will be marked so that you may select easily.
-You will then need to finish the evaluation and the short assessment on each viewed recording and submit that to Dr. Shelton no later than June 5, 2025.
-Your work will be verified and the TASL certificate will be issued to you via email by June 10, 2025.
All directions for you to use to open the videos, complete and submit the handouts, quizzes, and evaluations will be sent to you soon after you register, but credit will only be given after the materials are collected by Dr. Shelton and these documents must be completed and submitted to her no later than the end of business on June 5, 2025. The TASL approval date for this event is June 5, 2025 and that is what will be listed on your official certificate of attendance. If you have leaders who need TASL credit near the end of the year, but who do not want to leave their schools to attend, they may register for this event and complete the videos in their own time period, but they must be ALI subscribers to register.
We will be hosting three asynchronous 8-hour events in the first week of June, so a subscriber may earn a total of 24 hours of TASL credit using this process. Beginning with Leaders and the Law, we will then offer Safe Schools on June 4, 2025, and New Leader’s Cohort on June 5, 2025.
Collaborative Strategies for Student Data Privacy and Cyber Security - March 27, 2025 (8:30 AM- 12:30 PM CST)
Join us for a day that includes two sessions on the following topics:
Session 1: 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM- Hosted by Central Technologies
Leveraging Technology to Enhance Accessibility and Foster Inclusive Learning for All -
Join Central Technologies for an engaging session on empowering your school community with tools that foster inclusion, improve communication, and support diverse learners. Learn how accessible solutions, including tools you may already have through Microsoft and Google, can break barriers, and enhance collaboration. Explore the role of classroom audio in creating an equitable learning environment and discover the transformative potential of technologies like interactive displays and collaborative tools such as Clear Digital's MUV and TAB to bridge gaps between classrooms and meeting spaces. Hear success stories from other districts, engage in hands-on demonstrations, and leave with actionable strategies to make your school more accessible, inclusive, and connected.
Panel Session 2: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM- Hosted by Tennessee Educational Technology Association (TETA)
"We're all in this together, Collaborative Strategies for Student Data Privacy and Cybersecurity in TN Schools and School Districts"
Description: In this session, a panel of TN school district leaders from across the state will discuss collaborative strategies for enhancing student data privacy and cybersecurity. Participants will learn best practices, share experiences, and identify shared challenges and solutions. The session will cover data protection policies, vendor contracts, cybersecurity frameworks, and the latest technological tools to safeguard student information. Join us to strengthen our collective efforts in creating a secure and privacy-conscious educational environment for all students.
Freddie Cox -CTO / Knox County Schools
Buster Flynn- CTO / Sevier County Schools
Mark Howell- Deputy Director of Schools / Manchester City Schools
Wanda Terral-CTO / Lakeland School System
Bringing Measurement Together: How to Tie the Data from Pearson Assessments Together - March 25, 2025 (8:30 AM - 12:30 PM CST)
Join us on March 25, 2025 as we all learn together with our partners from Pearson Assessment about what it takes to tie all the Pearson Assessments and the data, we receive together to help students and teachers support learning for all learners. This will be a virtual zoom experience where you will learn from the people who work with this format and its data daily. Don’t miss this event if you are an ALI or SLI member and want to learn more about how your data can be used in your system and school to support student growth. This is an opportunity for you to learn from the Pearson Assessment team.
The Science of Writing with Karen Scoggins - February 26, 2025 (8:30 AM - 12:30 PM CST)
The Science of Reading refers to the extensive and ever-evolving body of research that indicates how to successfully teach children to read. Our friends at the Reading League say that instruction based on the Science of Reading “will elevate and transform every community, every nation, through the power of literacy.” We allowed the attendees to tell us exactly what “step two” should be, and without exception, you asked us to bring Karen Scoggins back and to discuss the impact building knowledge had on reading success and the integration of writing in our ELA instructional programming. We learned so much about the Science of Reading in our phase one training last year. Now, we are ready to move to your requested training, THE SCIENCE OF WRITING. Join Karen Scoggins and the Amplify Team as they share the joys and challenges of creating not only a balance and highly scientific reading program, but also a writing program that both supports and strengthens that work.
Last year, Karen Scoggins clearly showed us that she understands that “Knowledge is Power”! She helped us see that the more you and your teachers and students know, the faster they learn. Attendees in those sessions explored what the research tells us about “why” we must be building knowledge to aid in better reading comprehension, engagement, increased outcomes in other subjects, and equity. Understanding where these opportunities lie in our high-quality instructional materials and how best leverage them for better student outcomes will allow you to support your teachers, school programming, and student success. From those training events, the attendees shared the desire to have more information on how writing impacts this work. Those recordings are still available at www.tosstn.com under ALI Training Materials if you want to review them before you join us on February 26, 2025.
Coaching with a mindset of continuous improvement: From theory to practice - February 25, 2025 (8:30 AM - 12:30 PM CST)
We often talk about fostering a mindset of continuous improvement in schools, but what does that mean, in reality, for academic coaches, administrators, and the schools they serve? How do we make that vision come to life in the day-to-day of our literacy work, so that we lead improvements in teaching that result in improvements in student learning?
In this 3-hour session, participants will explore these key questions by:
Exploring the three goals of all instructional leaders, regardless of their role
Articulating the role of the principal and coach, and where they overlap
Learning about The Improvement Cycle and how it can look at the district, school, grade, and teacher level
Practicing developing an Improvement Cycle for a problem of practice
Hearing from a school principal and academic coach about how they use the Improvement Cycle to empower teachers to craft their own professional learning
The attendees will also be introduced to a follow-up topic on what leaders need to know about coaching the ‘science of reading’ in their schools in 2025 and beyond.
The Ready Graduate Revolution: Unlocking Success for Every Student - February 20, 2025 (8:30 AM - 12:30 PM CST)
When we reviewed our needs assessment data in the summer of 2023, there were many ALI members who wanted events planned for CTE, Workforce Readiness, and for Ready Graduates. We decided to feature this topic in a four-part series called “The World of Work” for the 2023/2024 training year and those leaders interested in CTE and this topic received a total of 16 hours of TASL credit as they complete all the World of Work events for 2023/2024.
Continuing our World of Work series on 2024/2025, we visited York Institute in November, and now we are shifting gear just a bit to discuss the Ready Graduate and the revolution that we can create when we unlock options for success for ALL students. Join us on February 20, 2025 as we learn with our Tennessee educators, lead by Sam Brooks from Putman County. You will hear how they created a revolution to have all students become truly ‘ready graduates’ and how you can do that too. This team of presenters and professionals has done the work, developed the plan, and started the revolution. Don’t miss the chance to jump on board in 2025.
Women in Leadership: Coping as a Leader in 2025 - February 13, 2025 (8:30 AM - 12:30 PM CST)
In 2025, women may not need other women to help them get a job in educational leadership, but they certainly can use the coaching and mentorship of their colleagues to prepare for and to perform in those jobs and to cope with the challenges or leading and learning. Several years ago, the TOSS ALI agenda added a Women in Educational Leadership event to our schedule each year. From those one-day events, we evolved into a three-part annual series of events that we call the Three Cs of Leadership. I am happy to introduce part two of our three-part series: Women and Leadership Cohort 2024-2025- Coaching, Creating, and Coping. All TOSS ALI members and SLI members are invited to join us as we learn more about coaching others, mentoring for success, and leading to support learning in Tennessee’s schools.
We will learn from Superintendent Kelly Johnson from Clinton Tennessee. She will share coping strategies that she uses personally and professionally to build a strong school system in today’s challenging environment. Then we will learn from Caitlin Bullard from Murfreesboro City Schools and Whitney Amber and Shelly Robinson from Franklin Special School District. Our nominated presenters for this event in February will share how their work helps support those teachers who say, “I am tired, now what? They will help us address coping with HQIM materials and curriculum supports, instructional supports, and building emotional connections in your school and system. We will all learn together from leaders in our state’s schools.
This is part two of our three-part series. We focused on Coaching and Mentoring in the fall, and we are following up with some overlap requested in that area, plus our work with “coping” in this winter 2025 event. This spring, in our Women’s Retreat in May, we will dive more deeply into the concept of creating in leadership. I hope you can attend any or all these events and learn how to coach, cope, and create as a woman in leadership or with the women you have on your leadership teams. These leaders will help us all focus, expand our knowledge, and cope with the challenges of leading engaged learners in 2025.
Enhancing School Safety and Homeland Security Part 2 2025 - February 12, 2025 - 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM (CST)
This event is planned for ALI members and their invited guests. These guests might include Athletic Directors, Counselors, Coaches, SROs, or Facility Managers. This event will outline the parts of a strong safety plan to prevent misconduct, partner with families, and create safe bystander environments. Our goal is to prevent misconduct and support academic success in your schools by enabling leaders and their teams as they set behavior expectations, create a culture of growth and well-being in their students as they build winners, teach and encourage interventions, create supportive and emotionally safe environments, respect the physical needs
We will discuss how our work with Homeland Security can enhance school safety, create safer public spaces, and avert targeted violence. We will discuss homeland security support and mandatory reporting requirements, the security assessment process, and event safety guidelines. This is a follow-up ‘how to in a school’ training and was planned and is presented by request after our December introduction to the topic.
New Leaders Cohort: Defining and Sharing Your Vision 2025 - February 11, 2025 (8:30 AM - 12:30 PM CST)
Are you new to your leadership role, new to your school or grade level, or do you just need innovative ideas around building community, engaging all learners, and school safety? Do you need more information on stakeholder involvement? Can creating a PLC, tutoring, and intervention strategic plan improve your student’s performance over time? Do you need help as you build a safety team? Are you doing everything you can to support those under your care? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the event for you.
This event is planned around 10 traits that you will need to use to build a strong leadership team. We will focus on traits that you may have that helped you get the job you are currently doing, and traits that you may need to improve to excel. These traits include communicator, envisioner, culture builder, and contributor.
You will learn from two superintendents and their teams and a nominated ALI leader. You will learn from the people doing this work daily, and you will expand your cohort group so you have that one phone call you can make when you need an ear.
For this second New Leaders Cohort event for 2024 we will look at leadership and learning from three quite different windows. Our goal will be to improve student performance, create a safe, positive learning environment, and to foster strong CTE and Community ties. We will discuss community, team building, and strategic planning. Then we will hear from speakers who have created strong of PLC’s, intervention programs, goal setting processes, and student data analysis to change school cultures.
We will discuss facility safety, outline ways that you can make your school feel safer and be safer for all of those under your care, and we will guide you through a safe facilities walk-through so you can ‘own’ your leadership role. We are going to look at creating a vision, planning with your team, owning your work, and teaming with other leaders to build capacity.
Do not miss this event if you are interested in learning from others in your role as they think about building community, helping students move toward college and career readiness, and finding that ‘safe place’ on your campus for you, your staff, and your students. Whether you are new to the role or just want to feel that old spark of enthusiasm, join us on February 11, 2025, as we dive more deeply into our work around student learning, community, and safe/positive school cultures.
Supervisors Cohort: Using Data and Supporting Student Success 2025 - February 6, 2025 (8:30 AM-12:30 PM CST)
This event is planned for and by Supervisors and Superintendents who know what they need to improve learning in their schools. The entire day is a look at how the system leadership teams can promote both academic success and the learning environment by building a community of experts for their school systems. The presenters will share how they create a safe, collaborative atmosphere, They will discuss data, how it works in their PLC program, and the collaborative, supportive environment they strive to create for all leaders and learners. You will have time to learn, collaborate, and share goals, challenges, and strategies with your peers. You will learn from Dr. Gina Looney, Reading and RTI Coordinator and Mrs. Summer Carlton, Curriculum and Professional Learning Supervisor in Franklin Special Schools District, Dr. Chris George, Coordinator of Assessment and Data in Murfreesboro City School System, and Adam Moss, Learning Acceleration Coordinator in the Cleveland City School System. They have been asked to share how they use assessment to guide instruction, how they encourage the use of formative assessments, and how student ownership of their learning is developed over time. We will look at the specific work our district leaders do each day to guide engaged learning.
Classroom Management, Behavioral Health, and Family Connections 2025 - February 4, 2025 (8:30 AM - 12:30 PM CST)
One of our most often requested topics for the 2024/2025 professional learning calendar has been Classroom Management. This event is planned with a school level team/panel, a system level team/panel, and a presentation from a specialist that coordinates the work with both school and with parents. We may not answer all of your questions in this first meeting, but we will give each attendee new information to consider. I asked our nominated presenters to think about what student and behavioral challenges they were seeing since Covid 19 in their schools and classrooms, and to share some strategies with our subscribers that they use successfully or as successfully as possible to support the students in their schools and in their classrooms. I also asked the presenters to share a bit about how they were supporting families and engaging them in the on-going work with children. This specific training may be most beneficial to the K-8 educator, but I am sure 9-12 leaders and their counselors could benefit as well from some of the strategies. I know systems with behavioral coordinators will want to invite those leaders to attend.
Accelerate Every Student - January 30, 2025 (8:30 AM - 12:30 PM - CST)
Developing intervention systems with proven results is so important to school and system leaders. Being an effective instructional leader is our goal, but critical to this success is understanding both on-grade level practice and personalized interventions that we can use to close gaps and accelerate learning. The evidence is there. We all know that seamlessly augmented interventions coupled with high impact tutoring and high-quality tier one instruction is the key to success. It is not simple, and it takes time for school leaders to fully understand what they are seeing, how to evaluate success in the classroom and in the intervention setting, and then, even more importantly, how to support both teaching and learning. This training will focus on making data actionable, getting clear insights into the hands of school leaders, and then to classroom teachers and interventionist more rapidly, and ensuring that less time assessing and more time learning is the goal and the result of your work.
We also know that staffing is an issue in 2025. This training will support creative staffing models, where high quality human-centered resources are the focus of direct face-to-face instruction and virtual support. The event will support equitable access to course offerings for all students, from advanced programming to CTE and beyond. We will spend time with system leaders and school leadership teams as they share their success stories and help us understand how they address staffing challenges, support differentiated instruction and maintain both the ‘instructional leader’ role and the educational excellence they expect and support in their schools.
This is a content event sponsored by Edmentum.
Assistant Principal Networking Event: Instructional Supports, Data, Mastery 2025 - January 29, 2025 (8:30 AM-12:30 PM CST)
This event is planned for and by Assistant Principals who know what they need to improve learning in their schools. The entire day is a look at how the school leadership team with the principal and assistant principal working in tandem in their school can promote both academic success and the learning environment by building a community of experts for 'their' schools. The presenters will share how they create a safe, collaborative atmosphere, Principal and Assistant Principal and PLC program, and a collaborative, supportive environment for all leaders and learners. The event is planned to support the struggles that Assistant Principals have as they attempt to do it all-Manage from the middle, Connect, and Inspire. The focus on our work on this day we be around how 'inspecting the little things can stop the bigger things from happening in crisis' and how to improve communication to inspire and improve learning, conducting walk-throughs that build relationships, and creating a community/school team to support student learning. This day is to support the assistant principal’s role as it exists in their individual school, and the role that all assistant principals may fill in any given year. The team we have as our presenters have a proven history of building community, using data to create a culture of respect for teaching and learning, and sharing the work so that all teachers and students thrive. You will learn how one school team uses instructional support, data analysis, and teacher and student ownership of the data to excel. Join us as we learn from Charles Farmer, Lauren Bauer, Alisha Erickson, and Adam Demonbreun from Franklin Special School District. You will have time to learn, collaborate, and share goals, challenges, and strategies with your peers.
Leaders Accelerating Learning Recovery in Mathematics and Literacy 2025 Part 2 - January 28th (8:30 AM - 12:30 PM - CST)
This day will be a fast-paced, data-driven exploration of ways to accelerate learning recovery as a school or system leader that addresses both mathematics and literacy. During the event, sessions will highlight national data, including pre-pandemic and post-pandemic performance. Attendees will recognize trends and practices that have led to greater learning recovery and learn how to implement them with fidelity. The opening sessions with Gary Miller will highlight national data, including pre-pandemic and post-pandemic performance in mathematics. This data will include a high-level overview and thought leadership time for our attendees to reflect on the data. Then you will be presented a deep dive into national ‘state of student learning’ data, gleaning best practices from high recovery districts, ideas to support setting aggressive growth targets as a school leader, and as you support tier one instruction and foundational skills and numeracy. The attendees will also hear from best practice presenters who have been implementing learning recovery strategies, prerequisite strategies, and standards-based progress monitoring.
After some reflection time, we will switch our focus to literacy. There, we will explore the most impactful instructional strategies for teaching foundational reading skills, equipping them with the knowledge and tools to support and guide their teams in fostering literacy excellence. Through a blend of evidence-based practices and leadership-focused strategies, participants will gain insights into how to create a school-wide culture of strong reading instruction, ensuring that all students, regardless of background or ability, have access to high-quality literacy experiences. This session will feature Brooklin Trover’s work on driving impactful reading foundational skills instruction using strategies that empower students, teachers, and leaders.
This is a follow-up to the topic’s introduction in November, but you may attend this event even if you missed the one in the fall.
Assessment Data - It's not ONE and DONE!
Critical questions about the cycle of assessment data and how it is used to support teachers and students. Are you leveraging both FORMATIVE and SUMMATIVE uses?
What you should be asking of your HQIM in relation to assessment information. Curriculum that supports teacher led instruction for the specific students they have with embedded and connected assessments and not just another page turner that sits separate from assessment information.
Zoom in on growth - how to measure student growth in different ways to focus on short term targeted successes and long-term goals.
Literacy as a System
A reflection on why we get have so many supplemental programs in literacy at different grade levels. How we have bloated the market when the core curriculum is already bloated too.
The teacher feeling of alignment, sequencing, planning, instructing, and how that decrease the amount of 1. Reading during the instructional time and 2. Transfer of skills
Leadership moves to support literacy vision for school or district in relation to programs, practices, and people!
The Assistant Principal/Principal Team: Safe and Engaged Learning - January 22, 2025 (8:30 AM-12:30 PM CST)
Normally in mid-January we host events for both the Principals Cohort and the Assistant Principals Cohort, but this event combines the two cohorts and is titled The Assistant Principal/Principal Team: Safe and Engaged Learning. We will open the morning with an assistant principal from the easter part of our state, then complete the event with leadership teams from the west. These presenters will be sharing their work, their team building ideas, and their jobs in the ‘real world’ of public education. I have asked each presenter to think about how their team creates a safe and engaging environment for their learners. They may share data, demographics, schedules, discipline plans, community, safety planning, walk throughs, or leadership meetings. I have asked them to share their work and their concerns because we all know every school and every year is a new adventure for school leaders.
Make plans to attend this “cohort collaborative” and learn from each other!
SPED, 504, and Title IX 2024 - December 12, 2024 (8:30AM-12:30PM CST)
This training is an event designed to support the work of school leaders around 504, SPED, and Title IX. Shaundraya Hersey and Taylor Jenkins from the Tennessee Department of Education will be the featured keynote presenters for this virtual four-hour event.
8:30-9:00 Opening Comments and Question Development
9:00-10:15 Shaundraya Hersey TDOE 504 and the Lead Learner
10:30-11:15 Taylor Jenkins TDOE SPED and the Lead Learner
11:30-12:15 Hersey and Jenkins TDOE Title IX and Tennessee Educators
12:15-12:30 Evaluation, Wrap-up, Whole group discussions
Times are currently flexible on this draft agenda and will be more firmly developed by the presenters as we get closer to the final event date.
CANCELLED - Creating Successful School Leadership Teams in Urban Schools: Instructional Supports, Data Analysis, and Student Mastery - December 10, 2024 (8:30 AM-12:30 PM CST)
This event was originally planned for and by Assistant Principals who know what they need to improve learning in their schools, but as we collaborated with the presenters, we decided to open this day up to all ALI members. The event will look at how the school leadership team can promote both academic success and the learning environment by building a community of leaders and learners. This day is to support the assistant principal’s role on instructional supports, data analysis, and owning your student’s growth to mastery. Each of our three presenters will have about 45 minutes to share information about their schools, their school’s learning/leadership teams, and to offer insight into their school and the role that an assistant principal may fill in any given year. Leadership in urban schools is important for creating a vision of educational excellence and we all know that leaders in all our Tennessee Public Schools must communicate a vision, build a team, create a positive culture, and manage instructional leadership teams. Urban schools face other challenges such as poverty, race and class issues, and funding, but more recently, the issues we once viewed as ‘urban’ are now front and center in our ‘suburban’ and ‘rural’ learning environments.
Our new platinum partner, Evress, will also be available to share Tennessee-specific data. They will help us clearly understand how data analysis can support your work.
Book Study: Leadership, Management, and Ownership - December 5, 2024 (8:30AM-12:30PM CST)
On December 5, 2024 TOSS ALI is hosting an event that will outline three books that can be used as book study launch pads for school leaders and their staffs to use as they build teams, collaborate around engaged student learning, and create strong safety plans. The event will be a look at how leaders can truly personalize learning for all lead learners with the right books. This event is called ‘Book Study: Leadership, Management, and Ownership” because we want each attendee to leave with at least three book studies, fully developed and modeled, to take back home and implement in their schools and systems so that the leaders and their teams ‘own’ their growth goals. We want to model the use of a book to establish common ground, work better together, and especially to understand our students and communities needs over time. Join us for our 2025 virtual book study and we know you will indeed gain a ‘wealth’ of knowledge to take home to your educators. This event is book focused, but it is also learning centered, whole group involvement oriented, and will be engaging in format and process.
Enhancing School Safety and Homeland Security 2024 - December 4, 2024 (8:30 AM-12:30 PM CST)
This event is planned for ALI members and their invited guests. These guests might include Athletic Directors, Counselors, Coaches, SROs, or Facility Managers. This event will outline the parts of a strong safety plan to prevent misconduct, partner with families, and create safe bystander environments. Our goal is to prevent misconduct and support academic success in your schools by enabling leaders and their teams as they set behavior expectations, create a culture of growth and well-being in their students as they build winners, teach and encourage interventions, create supportive and emotionally safe environments, respect the physical needs.
We will discuss how our work with Homeland Security can enhance school safety, create safer public spaces, and avert targeted violence. We will discuss homeland security supports and mandatory reporting requirements, the security assessment process, and event safety guidelines.
You will also briefly hear from TOSS Gold Partner, CENTEGIX!
Supervisor Cohort: Retention, Recruitment, and Support - December 3, 2024 (8:30 AM-12:30 PM CST)
This event is planned for supervisors and HR Directors who want to begin the work around recruiting, retaining and supporting teachers and leaders for the 2025/2026 school year. We will look at the process two systems use to retain staff, recruit new staff members, and create a climate and culture of excellence that is welcoming to both new staff members and seasoned staff. Joins us as we think through the process to create a program that is highly competitive and highly supportive year after year.
Accelerating Learning Recovery in Mathematics and Literacy: Empowering Leaders - November 19, 2024 (8:30 AM-12:30 PM CST)
This day will be a fast-paced, data driven exploration of ways to accelerate learning recovery as a school or system leader that addresses both mathematics and literacy. During the event on November 19, 2024, sessions will highlight national data, including pre-pandemic and post-pandemic performance. Attendees will recognize trends and practices that have led to greater learning recovery and learn how to implement them with fidelity. The opening sessions with Gary Miller will highlight national data, including pre-pandemic and post-pandemic performance in mathematics. This data will include a high-level overview and thought leadership time for our attendees to reflect on the data. Then you will be presented a deep dive into national ‘state of student learning’ data, gleaning best practices from high recovery districts, ideas to support setting aggressive growth targets as a school leader, and as you support tier one instruction and foundational skills and numeracy. The attendees will also hear from best practice presenters who have been implementing learning recovery strategies, prerequisite strategies, and standards-based progress monitoring.
After some reflection time, we will switch our focus to literacy. There, we will explore the most impactful instructional strategies for teaching foundational reading skills, equipping them with the knowledge and tools to support and guide their teams in fostering literacy excellence. Through a blend of evidence-based practices and leadership-focused strategies, participants will gain insights into how to create a school-wide culture of strong reading instruction, ensuring that all students, regardless of background or ability, have access to high-quality literacy experiences. This session will feature Brooklin Trover’s work on driving impactful reading foundational skills instruction using strategies that empower students, teachers, and leaders.
This event is brought to you by TOSS Gold Partner, Curriculum Associates!
World of Work: Leadership Training Site Visit Alvin C. York Agricultural Institute (IN-PERSON) - November 15, 2024 (8:00AM-3:00PM CST)
As we progress through the TOSS ALI event schedule, we are proud to announce our first in-person event for 2024/2025. We know that for leaders, it is often hard to fully understand what is needed by our graduates unless we can see the “World of Work” first-hand. On November 15, 2024, you will have the opportunity to travel to Jamestown, Tennessee, and visit with the York Agricultural Institute Team. We will come together to define the skills needed to be successful in a rural college and career program in Tennessee, while meeting the needs of all students and the school community.
"Alvin C. York Agricultural Institute is a strong model for rural education. Utilizing the Innovative School Models grant, state support, local and state partnerships, and collaboration across county schools, York has expanded academic opportunities for its 500 students in Jamestown, TN in ways that rival much larger schools. During this visit, York will share their improvement journey to include its Middle College, SPED Inclusion Strategies (100% inclusion and 100% CTE enrollment), Honors and AP courses, COGNIA STEM certification, and strong CTE programming. Your tour of this 400-acre campus will feature a working farm (1,000+ animals, 15 species) where students will share their experiences artificially inseminating heifers, conducting livestock pregnancy checks in the Heifer Development Program, row cropping, and Meat Science program where students process chicken, turkeys, and rabbits. You will experience how York incorporates the Engineering Design Process across subject areas and STEM is integrated into the curriculum for all students."
After meeting and defining the work, we will be taken on a complete tour of the facility, and return to the meeting space to work collaboratively with middle Tennessee educators to discuss the planning process to allow students to be both college and career ready in STEM programs. After this tour and discussion, we will share a light lunch and table-top activities, then we will exchange thoughts about where we are in your systems, where we want to be, and what we need to create an environment in grades K-5, 6-8, and 9-12 to enable our learners to excel in this environment.
Make plans now to join us on November 15, 2024, for this 7-hour TASL training on-site at the York Agricultural Institute. Superintendents, Supervisors, Principals, and Assistant Principals are all welcome to register and attend. We will have lunch on site and please dress with the facilities tour in mind.
Women in Leadership: Coaching, Recruiting, and Retaining Staff 2024 - November 13th, 2024 (8:30AM-12:30PM CST)
In 2024, women may not need other women to help them get a job in educational leadership, but they certainly can use the coaching and mentorship of their colleagues to prepare for and to perform in those jobs. Several years ago, the TOSS ALI agenda added a Women in Educational Leadership event to our schedule each year. From those one-day events, we evolved into a three-part annual series of events that we call the Three Cs of Leadership. I am happy to introduce part one of our three-part series: Women and Leadership Cohort 2023-2024: Coaching, Creating, and Coping. All TOSS ALI members and SLI members are invited to join us as we learn more about coaching others, mentoring for success, and leading to support learning in Tennessee’s schools. This event was requested from our members who use these events to fill the need they have as they move from the ‘TASL Academy” cohort for new leaders to the long, lonely years where training may be powerfully presented, but cohort connections may be desired.
Using TVAAS Data to Inspire Confidence and Create Change - November 7, 2024 (8:30AM-12:30PM CST)
This event is planned for and by Principals who know what they need to improve learning in their schools. By request, this event will feature school and system leaders who want to inspire confidence, create change, and support their leaders by modeling their use of data to coach the underperforming teacher and leader in our state’s schools, use data such as TVAAS reports to monitor growth over time, and to support the lead learner who may be less familiar with TVAAS than their peers or their teachers. When we change grade levels, begin to look at cohort data over grade spans, we often need support from leaders who have already made this data real to their staff members. This event is presented by three leaders who received nomination from their superintendents or who were honored during the Principal or Supervisor of the year program. They are leaders who are willing to both share their work and to embrace data as a tool for student and teacher success. Join us as we learn from Dr. Chris George from Murfreesboro City Schools, Dr. Leneda Laing from Cleveland City Schools, and Dr. Sheryl Sensing Theil from Dickson County Schools. They all come with the highest recommendations from their Superintendents.
High School Programming: Discipline, Engagement, Virtual Opportunities 2024 - November 6, 2024 (8:30AM-12:30PM CST)
This event is planned for ALI members and their invited guests. These guests might include alternative school supervisors, discipline committee team members, counselors, and virtual school leaders. The goal of this training is to highlight best practices in the high schools in Tennessee, to see and hear from leaders who have created an alternative placement program that supports student learning and success, and to learn from fellow educational leaders who have developed or implemented programs that support time in and time on task in our high school age student’s classrooms. This event is a follow-up of our opening day on October 29, 2024, and allows us to look closely at two schools, three systems, and a variety of discipline and placement strategies, including targeted placement in academic and CTE areas of study, discipline plans within the school, and building relationships that foster community and engagement for ALL students.
You will also hear briefly from TOSS platinum partner, Edmentum!
Alternative Placement: Virtual Schools, Alternative Schools, and Behavioral Supports 2024 - October 29th, 2024 (8:30AM-12:30PM CST)
Knowing how and when to offer our students and their parents an alternative placement choice is vital to our continued success. Our state’s educators want to support teaching and learning in our classrooms. They also want to create options to support the student’s ability to behave in a way that is conducive to learning. This may involve selecting a virtual school, a virtual environment, or intervening with alternative placements or behavior plans until the student is better able to cope in their classrooms. We will bring together three system and school leaders who will share the work they do each day to support students and their families in a virtual environment or with behavioral support and intervention strategies. This event is created by request from our planning team this spring and TOSS ALI will offer a series of events around this topic in 2024/2025. So much has changed in Tennessee since 2020, we need more tools in our toolbox to support the classroom teacher and the parents of a child who struggles to participate in class with their peers. Our attendees will develop a plan and gain additional knowledge that can be used to support student behavioral challenges and their learning environments in their systems or schools. We are taking this time together to consider how our public schools can offer alternative placements that support all students and their families.
Leaders and the Law with Chuck Cagle: Personnel, Human Resources, Licensure - October 17, 2024 (8:30AM-12:30PM CST)
Since TOSS ALI began its work in 2016, our subscribers “speaker of choice” for education law has been Chuck Cagle, and once again he has scheduled three stand-alone events with us in October.
October 10 – Leaders and the Law with Chuck Cagle: Implementation and Policy 2024
October 15 –Leaders and the Law with Chuck Cagle: Discipline/504/SPED/Search and Seizure
October 17: Leaders and the Law with Chuck Cagle: Personnel, Human Resources, Licensure
Chuck will discuss implementation of rules, laws, education policy, employment law, SPED, Title IX, and many current legal issues as they relate to leading learning in your schools and systems. If you know Chuck, you know these topics will be only a guide, because he welcomes your questions and encourages you to ask about issues you care deeply about. If you have questions that you specifically want Chuck to address, email them to Dr. Wanda Shelton (wanda@tosstn.com), and she will get them in Chuck’s hands prior to the event so he can be ready for your most urgent needs!
School principals, assistant principals, system level supervisors, school system attorneys, and directors of school may attend any or all these events. Attendees that complete any one of these days will earn 4 hours of TASL credits. Leaders who complete all three days will earn 12 hours of TASL credit.
Don’t miss any of these three important events...Chuck Cagle, Leaders and the Law 2024!
Leaders and the Law with Chuck Cagle: Discipline/504/SPED/Search and Seizure - October 15, 2024 (8:30AM-12:30PM CST)
Since TOSS ALI began its work in 2016, our subscribers “speaker of choice” for education law has been Chuck Cagle, and once again he has scheduled three stand-alone events with us in October.
October 10 – Leaders and the Law with Chuck Cagle: Implementation and Policy 2024
October 15 –Leaders and the Law with Chuck Cagle: Discipline/504/SPED/Search and Seizure
October 17: Leaders and the Law with Chuck Cagle: Personnel, Human Resources, Licensure
Chuck will discuss implementation of rules, laws, education policy, employment law, SPED, Title IX, and many current legal issues as they relate to leading learning in your schools and systems. If you know Chuck, you know these topics will be only a guide, because he welcomes your questions and encourages you to ask about issues you care deeply about. If you have questions that you specifically want Chuck to address, email them to Dr. Wanda Shelton (wanda@tosstn.com), and she will get them in Chuck’s hands prior to the event so he can be ready for your most urgent needs!
School principals, assistant principals, system level supervisors, school system attorneys, and directors of school may attend any or all these events. Attendees that complete any one of these days will earn 4 hours of TASL credits. Leaders who complete all three days will earn 12 hours of TASL credit.
Don’t miss any of these three important events...Chuck Cagle, Leaders and the Law 2024!
Leaders and the Law with Chuck Cagle: Implementation and Policy 2024 - October 10, 2024 (8:30AM-12:30PM CST)
Since TOSS ALI began its work in 2016, our subscribers “speaker of choice” for education law has been Chuck Cagle, and once again he has scheduled three stand-alone events with us in October.
October 10 – Leaders and the Law with Chuck Cagle: Implementation and Policy 2024
October 15 –Leaders and the Law with Chuck Cagle: Discipline/504/SPED/Search and Seizure
October 17: Leaders and the Law with Chuck Cagle: Personnel, Human Resources, Licensure
Chuck will discuss implementation of rules, laws, education policy, employment law, SPED, Title IX, and many current legal issues as they relate to leading learning in your schools and systems. If you know Chuck, you know these topics will be only a guide, because he welcomes your questions and encourages you to ask about issues you care deeply about. If you have questions that you specifically want Chuck to address, email them to Dr. Wanda Shelton (wanda@tosstn.com), and she will get them in Chuck’s hands prior to the event so he can be ready for your most urgent needs!
School principals, assistant principals, system level supervisors, school system attorneys, and directors of school may attend any or all these events. Attendees that complete any one of these days will earn 4 hours of TASL credits. Leaders who complete all three days will earn 12 hours of TASL credit.
Don’t miss any of these three important events...Chuck Cagle, Leaders and the Law 2024!
Accelerating Math Learning for Tennessee Students in Grades 6-8 - September 30th, 2024 (8:30AM-12:30PM CST)
Join this session to learn about how Zearn mathematics helps accelerate learning for middle grades school students. We’ll dive into middle grades digital lesson on Zearn to explore how the platform scaffolds mathematics problems with real world context and visual representations to help all students make sense of middle school mathematics and access grade level content. We will also address how new learning in real-world contexts and visual representations remove barriers to grade-level mathematics. The presenter will show the attendees how to implement daily math instruction that addresses unfinished learning while still moving students forward in new grade-level learning. This session will explore how coherent intervention—with a learning acceleration approach that anchors new learning in real-world contexts and visual representations—helps students build the understanding they need to unlock grade-level work. Participants will examine new research that mathematics learning acceleration works at scale and will explore strategies for implementing this approach to instructional design with a math coach from a Tennessee school district.
Supervisor’s Cohort Event: When Assessment is Used to Guide Instruction, Formative Data and Student Success - September 26, 2024 (8:30AM-12:30PM CST)
This event is planned for supervisors who need and want to work more closely with their system’s principals throughout the year to create strong instructional programs. These supervisors clearly know what they need to improve learning in their schools, but they also clearly benefit from seeing best practices in action across our state. By request, this first Supervisor’s Cohort event for the 2024/2025 school year will focus on three clearly defined ‘areas of need’ in our state’s schools, “How can we most effectively utilize classroom feedback, formative assessment, and common planning to support student success in the classroom. We will talk about best practices to support the real work in the classroom as teachers seek to teach standards to mastery, promote strong skills-based instruction in reading and mathematics, get students ‘learning ready’ in the content areas, and promote teaching for engaged learning for all students. This event will feature keynote presentations by three principals and supervisor teams who have had success in creating strong programs over time to engage and track student learning. We will begin the discussion with instructional programming and HQIM, move to PLCs and Formative data reviews, and end with student success goals for all students. This is an opportunity for all supervisors of teaching and learning, instructional programming, and assessment to join together to share and discuss best practices.